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5 Legal Steps To Take After a Kentucky Car Accident


Car accidents are quite common in Kentucky. In a year, more than 100,000 car accidents occur in Kentucky, most resulting in injuries. Unfortunately, due to the adrenaline rush and extreme panic, many car accident victims may not immediately realize they are injured. Some people may also not know what to do immediately after a car accident because of the state of panic. This is why it is crucial that you familiarize yourself with the legal steps to take after a car accident. Understanding the legal steps to take after a car accident can make it easier for you to handle the situation correctly in the event of an accident. Below, we share five legal steps to take after a Kentucky car accident.

Assess Everyone’s Condition and Call the Ambulance

The first legal step after a Kentucky car accident is to assess everyone’s condition. However, you can only evaluate the state of the other people involved in the accident if you are in a condition that allows you to do so. If you and/or others have suffered injuries, you should call an ambulance immediately for medical support. You can also ask someone nearby for help.

Because of adrenaline, you may feel okay after a car accident. However, even if you feel uninjured, it’s best that you get checked at the accident scene. If, for whatever reason, you don’t receive a medical examination at the accident scene, ensure you see a doctor as soon as possible after leaving the scene.

Seeking prompt medical attention is vital not only for your health. It is also crucial for any compensation claim you file. Medical records prepared soon after your accident can help you prove the extent of your damages and causation.

Call the Police

Another crucial step you need to take after a Kentucky car accident is calling the police. When you call 911, you can request for both an ambulance and police officers to be sent to the accident scene. When calling 911, you may be asked some questions about the accident. It is crucial that you only give relevant information when answering any questions. You should avoid stating facts you may be unsure of when speaking to the 911 dispatcher.

When the police arrive at the accident scene, they will conduct a preliminary investigation and prepare a report. Ensure you get a copy of the police report. This evidence can help you with your car accident claim.

Exchange Information

In Kentucky, after a car accident occurs, drivers have a legal duty to exchange information. According to KRS 189.580, after a car accident results in injury or death, the drivers of the involved vehicles should stop immediately. If requested, a driver must provide their name and address, vehicle registration number, and the names and addresses of any other vehicle occupants. Other important information to exchange includes insurance information and a picture of the other driver’s license.

Contact a London Car Accident Attorney

Although it’s not a legal obligation, you should hire an attorney after a car accident. An attorney can help determine if you have a claim against the other driver. If you do, they can help you file your claim and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Our London auto accident attorneys at Cessna & George Law Firm are here for you in the event of a car accident. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.



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