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Be Careful Who You Talk To About Your Criminal Case


Being charged with a criminal offense can be incredibly stressful and confusing. If you’ve been charged with a crime, you are probably confused and stressed about the potential outcome of your case. Naturally, you will want to talk to someone about your case. However, it is crucial that you are careful about who you talk to about your criminal case. The truth is that discussing your criminal case with anyone but a criminal defense attorney can be dangerous for the outcome of your case. Read on to learn more.

Attorney and Client Confidentiality

The only person you can and should talk to about your criminal case is your defense attorney. In fact, it is advisable that you tell your attorney everything about your case. Your attorney needs to know all the details of your case so they can prepare the most effective defense. Subject to a few exceptions, everything you discuss with your criminal defense attorney is private between the two of you. This is because of something called the “attorney-client privilege.” Your defense attorney cannot reveal anything you tell them or use anything you tell them against you. Also, your defense attorney cannot be ordered to testify against you in court.

You may wonder what the exceptions to the attorney-client privilege are. So what are they? The attorney-client privilege does not apply when you discuss your case with your attorney in the presence of a third party. Also, the attorney-client privilege does not apply if you seek advice from an attorney to assist with the furtherance of a crime.

Can You Discuss Your Criminal Case With Anyone Else?

Technically, you can talk to anyone about your criminal case. However, it is best to avoid discussing your criminal case with anyone but your criminal defense attorney. It is best to avoid discussing details of your case with friends and family members. Your friends and family members could be questioned about your case. If that happens, they could mention things you told them to the police that could be used to incriminate you and make you look guilty. Remember, the conversations you have with your family and friends are not protected.

Kentucky law provides spousal immunity and marital communication privilege. This means that a spouse can’t be compelled to testify or be a witness against their spouse. However, even when speaking to your spouse, it is wise to use caution. Also, remember that this privilege does not apply if it is determined that you and your spouse conspired or acted together in the commission of the alleged crime.

Do Not Post About Your Case on Social Media

Apart from wanting to talk to family and friends, you might be tempted to share details of your case on social media. It’s best to avoid posting anything about your case on social media. The police and the prosecutor will be spying on your social media. While you might not think that something is incriminating, the police or prosecutor might find a way to use it against you.

Contact a London Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are facing criminal charges in Kentucky, contact a skilled London criminal defense attorney at Cessna & George Law Firm for legal guidance.



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